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Oh good, God. I think that Polly really did it on her own accord. 

Also, I 100% did not realize Arthur was a set up. But I did keep thinking it was strange that no one noticed half a dozen Peaky Blinders skulking around.



LOL always so many questions.... i love it!!!! Everything will be answered in due time so i wont spoil it. The boxing match is a way for Tommy to make more money so he is using it as another gambling enterprise but, it has an integral part to play in the finale as you will see. Yep Alfie is always a loose canon with lots of mad monologues...... he is always out for himself throughout so just sides with whoever will be benefit him at that moment. The last shot as Tommy leaves the hospital, interesting fact, the lady and boy that walk past Tommy as he goes around the corner, the boy is actually Cillian Murphy's son playing an extra for the day. Cute!!!! Yep Polly looks on anxiously, next episode is a good one.


There are always so many questions! And every time I think I have everything figured out, more stuff comes up that I'm confused by. But it certainly makes for great TV. Yeah, it seemed like such an inconsequential side plot. Turns out the boxing match is super important. Who would have guessed? Lol. Ha. Whenever Alfie shows up, I know something crazy is about to happen. And I never know when to trust or believe him, which makes his character so interesting. I did not know that. That's such a fun detail!