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Um, is Polly serious? Or is this, once again, Tommy pulling the strings. I honestly, can't tell.

And what the hell is up with Linda? Who is she? Arthur's got his problems, but this lady is causing him even more. Poor Arthur.



Great reaction again.... Linda was brought in as this pure, religious figure that feels that she can change Arthur, which i suppose she has, which i liked at the start, but as you see Arthur so mentally conflicted and struggling, i was torn. Tommy needs Arthur more than anything now that John has gone and Arthur will always choose Tommy. Finn must be around 14/15 and certainly still a baby that has never been to war so will never fill Johns shoes! Polly at this point i was like you, i thought she wouldn't betray Tommy ever.....could she? I find this show so good at story telling and character development that their doesn't always need to be action and fighting in every episode as the quieter episodes are so good at filling in the missing parts of the characters, like the Jesse Eden plot. We got to hear a little snippet from Tommy before the war and how kind and romantic and loyal he was just makes you love him a bit more as with all the characters. Can't wait for the next episode 5 days is a killer LOL!!!!!!!


I have issues with Linda. I feel like she's controlling and maybe even a little abusive toward Arthur. I'm not entirely sure what it is that he likes about her. She doesn't really seem like his type. And she's so anti-Tommy that I'm not sure how the two are going to be able to coexist much longer. Yeah. Finn does not strike me as being able to step in for John, even though I thought that might be the original plan. He just doesn't have it in him (which is probably a good thing). I truly have no idea what to believe. Polly's explanation for why she's doing this makes sense. Plus, Michael almost died. However, would she really? I honestly can't decide. And Tommy is so good at running things behind the scenes that it's easy just to assume he's set this all in motion. BUT, Changretta is the first person who's ever really bested him, which makes me wonder if maybe he can't get anything over on him yet. Somehow, every episode is better than the one before. How was this not the most popular show in the world? Right? It's an interesting wrinkle in the Tommy character that he tends to be a romantic. He's not the kind of guy you would expect that from, but it's totally believable.