Heartstopper 3X7: Together (Patreon)
Both Charlie and Nick are basically thinking about sex all the time. Charlie decides to ask his mom if he can spend the night at Nick's and she says no. Charlie accuses her if coddling him due to his illness. They get into a fight and he storms out and heads over to Nick's.
Once there, he tells Nick about the fight with his mom. Then Nick tells him about him being afraid of being away from Charlie when he goes to university next year. But he assures Charlie that his top choices are all close to home.
Afterwards, the two finally have sex. Although Charlie keeps his shirt on. But it's still lovely.
Elsewhere, Darcy visits Tara at her dance class and thanks her for putting up with her over the past year, while they explored their sexuality. Darcy has decided (I'm SURE 'decided' is the wrong word here, but I'm not sure what the correct one is) that they are non-binary and Tara says she doesn't care. She just loves Darcy.
Elle, who is still feeling down after the interview confides in Tao that she knows he wants to help, but she's just not sure he'll actually understand. So, he ends up making a short little movie for her to tell her how much he loves her. It's delightfully sweet.