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So, I really need to make some changes in my life. I'm terribly unhealthy. I don't get any exercise and I need to lose about 100 pounds. (Note, I said this sort of jokingly to my doctor expecting him to say, 'You don't need to lose that much.' He did not say that. Eek!)

All this so say that we've decided to get a meal delivery service. I don't know how to cook. And I HATE to cook. (Which leads to me making things like a meal of cheeseburgers, stuffing and french fries 😳). Plus, groceries are crazy expensive right now, so this is basically the same cost as the grocery store.

The point is, the first delivery is coming on Wednesday. But all they can tell me is it will be between 8am and 8pm. If I lived in a better area, this would not be an issue. But if deliveries stay on my doorstep for more than 10 minutes or so, they tend to get stolen. So, whatever I'm reacting to (if anything), at that specific time, will have to be interrupted.

I've switched subsequent deliveries to Saturdays, but I messed up and the first one is coming on Wednesday. I'm sorry! I mean, it's possible, that I'll be able to track it and it won't be an issue. But I have no idea if I can plan around it.

Again, this should just be a one time thing, but I like to keep you updated, so there are as few surprises as possible.



that’s completely fine. but i really should do a meal delivery service myself as another person who hates to cook.