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OMG. For as lukewarm as I felt about the last episode, that's how much I LOVED this episode.

I'm not so sure why I was so resistant the wrong way mom driver being impaired. I kept trying to come up with other reasons. And maybe Athena was jumping to conclusions. But, unfortunately, I was wrong. This woman had a BAC of 4X the legal limit with her son in the car. And her poor husband was distraught over it.

It's been a while since we talked about, or even mentioned, Bobby being in AA; and this was the perfect episode to do that. I didn't even realize why he was acting weirdly at first. I didn't realize what Athena said bothered him. I felt like an idiot later when I figured that out.

And, the back and forth between them trying to save Albert and Maddie giving birth was lovely. We've got new life and potential death sitting side by side. But thankfully, Albert ends up with a pulse. (Thank you Hen and your eight zillion chest compressions).

Plus, we had Hen and Karen trying to deal with losing Nia. Hen is trying desperately to fight against it, and Karen knows there is no point. It seems like they are totally at odds on the matter, but eventually Karen gets Hen to realize that, as much as it pains all of us, Nia is not theirs; no matter how much they (and we) want her to be,


(No title)



yay! i knew you would love this episode. it’s one of my favorites. i might be biased because it was my first live episode but that montage of maddie giving birth and albert almost dying while “to build a home” plays was so well done it had me holding my breath. kenneth choi deserves a million awards for this show. anytime it’s a chimney heavy episode, i’m blown away by his acting. he’s always just so so good. that bedside scene with albert had me like 😭


Right?!? I was actually a little concerned that it wasn't as good as I thought it was and was just judging it based on how little I enjoyed last week's episode. Glad to hear, it's actually good! It was just so perfectly engaging. I could not look away. (Or stop crying). I love Chim so much. But really, I could (and have) say that about everyone on this show. I'm gonna be so so so when I'm caught up.