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Okay, so we really get nothing from the bunker this episode. I guess we wrapped all that up last episode. Which is fine, because what we did get was awesome.

So we've got about 90 minutes to do stuff that should take about 2 months if we want to launch with enough time to beat the death wave. After a zillion complications, we've got it figured out, but it's going to be, literally, down the second.

In order to power the Ark, we've got to do it remotely, so Clarke heads off to it it. It's a job that if it goes perfectly will take about 23 minutes and she's got about 25. So, so a very tiny margin of error. But the error is not tiny.

Raven needs to launch the rocket before Clarke is back (and while not knowing if she actually got the job done- so they might be going to an Ark with no power, which means no oxygen). Clarke sees the rocket launch and knows they left without her, but she keeps working to make sure the Ark has power for them.

When they get far enough into space, they can see the Ark has no power, and they are almost out of oxygen. But at the last second, Clarke manages to power it up, and the rocket piles into the ship gasping for breath. Eventually, the Ark powers up enough for the oxygen to start flowing and they are all okay.

Clarke, meanwhile, manages to make it back to the lab just as the death wave hits, but she's broken her helmet on the way back and she's covered in radiation burns and is vomiting.

Cut to six years later. We see Clarke has managed to survive due to her Nightblood but she hasn't been in contact with anyone else. The bunker is buried under too much rubble, and she still hasn't heard from the Ark, even though earth has been habitable for the last year.

Then, a space ship with prison transport shoots out of the sky and appears to be attempting to land, which has Clarke worried. And we end there.


This season was so good. And it's not that I don't believe the few of you guys that have told me it all goes downhill after this, but it's hard to imagine. This season was so good! But that's probably it for The 100. I might read some recaps online to see what happens, or maybe even watch a few more episodes on my own, but that's probably it for reactions to this, as our sponsor wants to switch to something new (which I'm 90% sure I know what it is, but not sure enough to say so now). This was a hell of a ride. Thank you Melissa for sponsoring this. It really was amazing.


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I think I can safely say that we were all surprised at how quick it went downhill while watching season 5 live. I lowkey want to answer some of your questions but I also still don't want to spoil in case you watch it for yourself. If there are any questions you want me to spoil though, feel free to ask. I'm happy to share. I was so glad that we got to see Bellamy and Octavia kind of like reconcile. I was afraid we wouldn't get it and then they'd be apart for 5 years and that would damage things beyond repair without that "closure." I really appreciate the Bellamy/Clarke dynamic this whole season but especially this episode. After 2 seasons of them being at odds and separate it was so nice to see them rebuild their trust and relationship throughout season 4 and for that to culminate this episode with Clarke insisting on saying a special goodbye to him (and only him), his heartbreak over leaving her behind, the resolution that Bellamy won't let her "die" in vain. I think they have such a unique bond and maybe there's some underling romantic tension, maybe there's not (I think there is but what do I know) but the real bond is that foundation of co-leading from season 1 and learning how to rely on and trust each other. They've been through such a unique set of experiences, pressures, expectations, decisions, etc. and they've done basically all of it together. I really liked Emori and Murphy is this episode with like him saying at least he won't have to watch her die and pulling her to the oxygen. Such small moments but I love that development, especially for Murphy. We even see the progress when he goes back for Monty with Bellamy. Emori and Murphy's dynamic/relationship and their individual characters I think is probably one of the best things going forward, it's just not enough to carry 3 seasons of not so great everywhere else. I feel like there's so much other stuff to say but I don't know what else to say. I guess I'll just wrap up by saying I loved the reactions and getting to relive the show with you. Like I said before, happy to spoil anything you want lol.