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I'm sorry. Did we just trade Ian for Roger? ROGER? Roger the asshole? (Who I am so pissed at right now). No. I demand a redo. The Mohawk can have Roger. This is bullshit.

And holy fuck am I mad at Roger. Okay, so your mother in law tells you that your wife was attacked and raped, and you need time to figure out if you still want to be her? What the fuck, Roger? And what the fuck Brianna for thinking this is sweet and romantic when he finally shows up after deciding he can deal with the situation? Aaahhhhh! Can you tell I'm not happy about this?

So, Jamie is now in charge of capturing and killing Murtagh. Cool. Season five is gonna be a wild ride, isn't? All I want is for Claire, Jamie, Fergus, and Marsali to hang out at Fraser's Ridge and enjoy each other's company. But that is so not what I'm going to get.

Oh, and Brianna had the baby. But she didn't bother to name it. That baby is two months old, Brianna. He needs a name!

Um also, is Murtagh now having sex with Aunt Jocasta? What the hell is going on this episode?


Outlander 4X13



I honestly wish she had married Lord John. She knows he is gay so neither would have to pretend to be together and he could have freedom to be with men and she could have a respectable position for the son. And plus i love lord john and so wish he was around more. I would trade him for roger in a second


Roger is the worst. We were spoiled in the beginning seasons with them basically being the only characters with storylines. I still love their storylines in later seasons (maybe more than the beginning) and their scenes together, but it does suck that they now give screen time and storylines to others as well. I think season 5 is better at handling the balance. I don't remember as much Brianna and Roger.


Glad to see most of us feel the same way about Roger. Lol. Let's go back to seasons one and two when it was all Jamie and Claire all the time. Or even better, let's move forward where it's all Jamie and Claire all the time.