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I really thought with all the talking Lucas and Lindsay were doing, this was gonna end up going another way. Does this mean we are officially shutting the door on this relationship? I know I mentioned earlier about how Lucas loves to be in love, but I also think he's lonely. Karen and Lily have been gone for awhile, and he keeps repeating to Lindsay that this is her home. Plus, he's got Brooke and the baby staying overnight because he thinks it's nice to have company. I wonder how much is him loving love, how much is loneliness, and how much is actual Lindsay.

If anyone could convince them to let Dan back into their lives, it's Jamie. I was really concerned that they were going to cave, because I feel like they'd do a lot to make Jamie happy. I think it's much better if Dan just stays away. Especially now since he might be dying. Better not to let Jamie get too attached.

And speaking of dying, do we think this is real? Or just another ploy to try to get back into their lives? At first I just assumed it was real, but the more I thought about it, the more it seems just as likely that Dan is lying. However, if this is true, what does it mean for Luke? He's put his heart under a lot of strain during his time with HCM. I'm much more concerned about that, than Dan potentially have only six months to live.

Brooke is trying to hard with this baby. As frustrated and sleep deprived as she is, I also think she really loves being able to do this.

Also, I could have really done without Deb and clown.


(No title)



I think if Lucas was "just lonely" as the reason for wanting Lindsey back then he could just be with Peyton. Unlike Lindsey, she would not turn him away. I always felt that Lucas was trying to get back at Peyton for saying "no." I'm sure Lucas loves Lindsey, but is it the same way he loved Peyton. Lucas knows how Peyton feels, so she's not the obstacle. And it's obv he still has feelings for Peyton even if he does have feelings for Lindsey as well, but instead of taking time to figure it out he still pursues Lindsey. He's not even factoring in what Peyton is saying at all or the fact he still has feelings for her. It all feels like this is to spite Peyton and because of that no matter what, Lindsey is the one.

Nebulous Shooter

That is why Dan is one of my favorite TV characters ever, the things he has done are unforgivable, full stop...yet at multiple times during the show you catch yourself feeling bad for him, feeling pity, maybe even rooting for his redemption.


It's something the show does incredibly well with the character of Dan Scott. You find yourself always questioning if his intentions are noble indeed, and if redemption is possible for him? His presence is massive on this show, especially where all these characters are concerned, and it's amazing what mileage the show got out of the choices made with a character like Dan, especially where The Scott Family is concerned!!!