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And yet again, we have ugly crying. I really thought that after I made it through Eddie's talk with Bobby I was gonna be home free. But nope. Hen had to go and crash into a car. She lost it and I lost it with her.

So, for most of this episode Hen was distracted at work, due to Karen being unable to move past her loss. Eventually, Chim tells her, he needs his partner back and it seems like things were heading in the right direction. She seemed fine and then all of a sudden, BAM. She slams into an oncoming car while driving an ambulance.

Now, if I'm being honest, I'm a little confused about what this means. It was when she finally wasn't distracted anymore that she made this mistake. I don't know what I'm supposed to take from this. Accidents can happen any time, so it doesn't matter if you're distracted on the job? That doesn't seem right. Any ideas?

I also really love the fact that at the end of the previous episode we had Athena just collapsing into Bobby's arms while he lets her cry it out, and in this episode we have Hen collapsing in Athena's arm. However, instead of trying to calm her down, Athena is more logical about it. She's trying to make sure that Hen doesn't say anything to make her look bad in the upcoming investigation. We've already got Athena and Maddie suspended, Buck just got back, are we about to lose Hen for a bit too?


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