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I really need to stop doing once a week shows. I remember nothing! It's awful. Do we know this guys that Nancy and Jonathan went to see? He sort of seems familiar but I don't know why.

Hopper seemed like a lost cause when he got trapped in the underground but (and yes I predicted this, go Dana) Will was able to see him with his spy powers and know he needed help. This leads to Joyce and Bob coming in to save him. Huzzah!

Lucas tells Max the truth, but (unsurprisingly) she doesn't believe it. But right as she's about to leave, she thinks maybe it's true.

I fucking love Dustin. Him in the hockey gear this episode made my day. Also, Dart is such an issue right now. Poor Dustin. He's totally gonna have to kill him, isn't he?

And also, poor El! She had to endure that astral projection with her mom. It must be horrible to realize you were essentially stolen at birth so they could experiment on you.

Is Will gonna make it? I feel like yes, he's sort of the go between from the Upside and reality, so we kind of need him. But, he's totally convulsing and seizing right now.


(No title)


Elsa Reinsch

The dude that Nancy and Jonathan went to see is Murray. He's the guy who Hopper talked to in the first episode. He came to the police station and was trying to get information. Hopper brushed him off and told him to stop bleeding Barb's parents dry. Murray's a private investigator who is working with Barb's parents to try and find Barb.