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Okay, so Nathan definitely told her that all the flirting and skinny dipping is not okay. Step in the right direction. But none of this is okay! She's totally trying to replace Haley. I will not stand for it. Last season I would have said Nathan wouldn't either, but here we are. He said nothing to her or Haley after he kissed him! Granted he didn't kiss back, but he didn't push her away or yell at her either. Ahhhh! This is so frustrating!

As much I do think Lucas and Peyton are end game here, she is totally out of line. If he tells her he loves Lindsay and wants to be with her, it's so not okay for Peyton to try to convince him otherwise. Plus, as much as i wanted that flashback, I wasn't really happy when I got it. Lol. Also, I do not believe Peyton can be Keith. There is zero chance she'll be able to bottle this all inside.

Mouth really needs to take a whole panel of STD tests.

I don't really care that much about Brooke and her bartender, but it seems she's finally won him over, so good for her.




Ali M

Was waiting for this post so I could watch with my dinner 😄🍝


In France it is midnight, I will have to wait before going to bed lol


Loved your recap and summary of the episode...your reactions are always great. I very much appreciated you saying that Lucas as a character, loves to be in love, and he falls hard and fast. That's always been his mode of operating....and S5 is no different, lol!!! He jumps from one relationship to the next, and every single one with the exception of maybe Anna, has always been grand, and the one, lol. That's just the way he operates, and I think that sometimes fans that are very passionate about either Leyton or Brucas for Lucas forget that. Lucas as a character has had many different relationships over the course of the series and they've all had significant importance and meaning in his life. And that's by design and why it plays in contrast so heavily against his brother Nathan who has only loved Haley. Also, glad that Haley got to call out Lucas and Peyton in this episode because it was needed. She didn't reveal to Luke that she knew about the Peyton kiss, but she put him on the spot and was pressing upon him to realize the importance of marriage and that he better be serious about it. And glad that she told Peyton that Lucas moved on with his life and he fell in love in the meantime because it needed to be said. Peyton making herself out to be the other woman in the LL relationship is just wrong on every level, and with each episode that passes....I continue to hate S5 Peyton more and more. Her character was written horribly this season and I find myself literally loathing her. And Nathan continues to be so dense where Carrie and his marriage are concerned. It's baffling to me that he continues to operate like he can just sweep Carrie's actions under the rug and not say a word to Haley about it. Of course, he doesn't know that she's crazy and is planning on going all single white female on Haley, but still...Nathan could have put a stop to this a long time ago and he didn't. We all know the truth always comes out....and it's not going to be pretty, and Nathan will have nobody to blame but himself. Poor Haley....is all I can say. And you saying that Mouth needs to get tested immediately for STD's was so freaking funny....and so true, lol. Ugh....I think we all hated that storyline with Mouth and his boss!!!!


Let's be real, Nathan does some dumb shit and this takes the cake. (Well, Dante was pretty bad too.) Tell your wife!!! People always try to defend Nathan's actions because it's Nathan and they get mad at Haley whenever she's mad at Nathan. (Like when she was mad at him for getting in a fight when he still hasn't recovered from his last dumb fight or when she was mad at him for not telling her about Dante.) I hate that Haley's never allowed to be mad, cause poor Nathan. She has sacrificed so much for him and this is what he does. Poor Haley is right. She has no clue. He has nobody to blame but himself. Nobody come for me. Nathan is my 2nd favorite character. This just isn't his finest moment. I just can't ignore his behavior here. That said this storyline makes sense to me, so I'm ok with it. I do like the drama.