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I feel bad for this episode. It's only real fault was that it came after the last two episodes. (I'm pretty sure I said the same thing after the earthquake episodes as well).

Buck's light duty is him being the fire inspector, which I thought was super fun. Turns out, maybe not so much. I HATE that we're going with Buck suing the city, department, and BOBBY. WTF? Plus, if he does this, he's gonna have to be completely alone. Every single person he interacts with is connected to the 118.

I also didn't really like Maddie essentially stalking this woman to try to keep them safe from her abusive husband. But I did really like the stuff between her and Chim. The broken plate that lead to the PTSD and the aftermath where they discussed it were lovely. But I didn't care for the stuff in between.

But I did really like the Eddie/Christopher stuff. I think I just really love seeing Eddie be a delightful father.

I'm really unhappy with how we left this episode. It's not bad storytelling, it's just a direction I didn't want us to go.


9-1-1 3X4



oh the infamous lawsuit arc that sparked a thousand fics lol its a complicated situation but ultimately i do think i’m on buck’s side about this particular issue. while i don’t think suing the city is way to go, he is right that he is ready and being held back from his job when no one else has faced this. everyone came back to work right away, chimney after the rebar accident was back in like a month, eddie took no time after shannon died, bobby relapsed in s1 and was right back. the issue here is that bobby cares and worries about buck too much (bc deep down he sees him like a son) that he can’t be impartial. i wish they would have talked it out more before it got this far but alas here we are. and yeah, buck himself isn’t thinking this through because that does mean he can’t talk to anyone else in his life and if it works, those people will be upset with him regardless but i guess that proves how much his job means to him. probably a little too much. he really does need a way to define himself outside of the job because this is not healthy. eddie is such a good dad it makes me cry how much he loves chris. also your “and buck!” after he says “we still have each other” was the most me thing ever 😂 oh buckley-diaz family you are so dear to me! i forgot about the maddie stalking thing, i get she’s worried but this is not the right idea. this is why i could never do these jobs though. i too would care too much and not let things go.

Kacy Rios

I’ve watched this series several times now. And this arc is one of the harder ones to get through. After watching the series, Buck’s reasoning really made sense to me. I love Bobby, but because Buck made them into a family dynamic (which Bobby protested originally) it makes it hard for Bobby to realize that Buck is ready. In Bobby’s mind, he’s scared and worried about someone he views in a son type role. I think the dinner Athena put together made Buck even more angry because it was more like an intervention. I can understand why he felt isolated and ultimately why he went the route he did. Doesn’t make it any less hard to watch though. Buck is my favorite character, mainly because of his character growth and how he puts his heart into everything. Which, now we can obviously see how that can be detrimental.