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No. No! NO! You cannot take her! I was worried this would happen. I cannot handle another several episodes where Jamie and Claire are apart. I want to bash my head on the desk.

Laoghaire's daughter looks just like her. They really cast that part well. But I don't really know how I feel about her and Fergus getting married. I sort of agree with Claire. She and Jamie didn't really know each other when they got married. And it's 1769 or something, so it doesn't really seem odd for the time, I don't think. But, this means we might have to see Laoghaire more often, which I am so against.

I never really thought about what would happen to a ship with no motor or engine when the wind doesn't blow. It must be terribly hard to keep any kind of schedule. Plus, they are gonna be so far behind the boat that has Young Ian, it's gonna be a nightmare to try to find him when they finally get there.

Okay, but seriously. Claire cannot be stuck on that ship for the rest of the season. I'll cry. (I mean, I already yelled a lot in my discussion. I was mad. And it's super hot here. I'm using that as the justification for all my crazy outbursts during discussions I filmed on this day. Lol.)


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Poor Dana. I understand. 😫 I did love the Jamie and Claire moments we got. They were definitely getting back to where they were, which makes an impending separation suck even more. Jamie and Claire wouldn't be the same without drama. They are so rootable.