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Maybe it's just me, but I think this was better than the earthquake episode. And I loved the earthquake episode.

This is totally gonna help Buck get back on the team, right? He's saved dozens of people!

I'm confused though. Is the car accident that Athena and May are in, related to the tsunami? Originally I thought no. Then I thought yes. Now I think no again. I'm sure it doesn't really matter, but still. I wanna know!

Poor Maddie. At least when she told Chim she was the one in charge he immediately changed his tune. But don't be mean to Maddie ever! Even if you don't mean to! (Um, I've somehow become very protective over Maddie).

OMG. I need to see next episode (and it's several days away!). Buck is just saving everyone he can see. But when the next wave hits, Christoper is knocked overboard and Buck jumps into the waves after him. WE CAN NOT LOSE EITHER OF THESE BOYS.

How much money does the LAFD make? It seems like they have limitless resources. Not that I'm complaining.


(No title)



one of the best eps!

Kacy Rios

Hands down one of my favorite episodes of the entire series.