Better Call Saul 6X6: Axe and Grind (Patreon)
2024-06-06 21:00:04
I'm not sure what the cold opening was about here. Maybe to just highlight the difference between 8 year old Kim and current day Kim?
Lalo is hell bent on taking down Gus. I mean the amount of effort he's putting in here is kind of superhuman. Problem is, I don't think this German guy knows anything useful to tell him. Pretty sure they had no idea what they were building.
Are Howard and his wife living apart because of Jimmy and Kim's antics? Or is this totally unrelated?
So, today is D-Day and we I still don't even exactly know what the plan is. Am I supposed to? Or are they keeping this vague on purpose? Either way, it's not going to plan and next episode is gonna be great. I just know it.