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This, I think, was the best episode of the season so far. If it was because it was actually good, or because we're finally close to Jamie and Claire getting back together, I cannot say.

Jamie's storyline was better than Claire's in this episode. (Not that I don't think graduating from medical school is a huge achievement). I loved how he was sort of the spokesperson for the prisoners and the guards respected him.

I was confused though, about how Jamie didn't remember the name 'Gray' I thought maybe he was forgetting everything (which meant it was gonna be a shit show when Claire finally showed up), but it turned out it was all an act, so he could catch him out.

So eventually, the prison is closed and everyone, minus Jamie is sent to (I think?) America to work as servants for 14 years and then they'll be free. Jamie, however, is send to Hellville (or something like that) to be a servant (I think). But he's advised to change his name and hide the fact that he's Scottish. Which is concerning because when Claire shows up, she's gonna be asking for someone that no one knows!

Back in Claire's time, they revisit divorce, since Brianna is 18 and Frank wants to marry his girlfriend. Honestly, I have no issue with what Frank is doing here. He's stuck it out, as best he could, with a wife that doesn't love him for 18 years. He's ready to marry someone who does.

However, shortly after this conversation, Frank dies in a car accident, so Brianna will end up with Claire by default.

Okay. I've had enough of this bullshit. Neither of them are doing very well being apart from each other. Could we just get them back together now? Please!

I'm guessing at the end of next episode, Claire will be back at the stones. But then it will take another little bit for her to actually find Jamie in his time. Ugh.


Outlander 3X3


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