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I was so confused when this episode started. I thought we were in a flashback. But I couldn't figure out how the hell Dig and Felicity were in it too. Lol.

So in Oliver's absence some other vigilantes have taken up the mantle. But they play much more fast and loose with justice than Oliver ever did. They nearly kill Laurel and take Thea hostage.

Roy is playing his own version of vigilante, but he's really just helping the little guy who needs it. But I'm dying to know how he learned these skills!

Who is the mysterious blonde who showed up and came to his aid?!? Why are there so many superheroes in this show? (Because it's a show based on a comic book, Dana. Duh.)

Even though Oliver doesn't really want to get back into the Hood game, Felicity and Dig convince him it's a good idea. But we've got a new mission now. I don't know all the details yet, but we've got new rules.

Moria is still in jail (which surprises me, I really thought she'd be in and out), and after almost dying, Thea finally comes and forgives her.

Is Felicity going to be in most of my thumbnails, you ask? Yes. As much as I can force her in.


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