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I LOVE Tim in this episode. So, so much. And I HATE that Eric didn't let him explain. He literally SAVED your daughter!

Ugh. I like the story about Laribee having to use Dillon's facilities, but I hated them so much while they did it. I mean, I'm sure I'm supposed to, but come on. Who acts like that when people are hosting you? Even the coach was a nightmare. And it seemed like Eric knew it too based on the interview he gave when they showed up.

So not into these Tami/Shelly fights. Why is Shelly still here? Tami constantly treats her like trash when she's just trying to help.

Landry throwing the first punch in the cafeteria brawl doesn't really seem in character. Unless part of his MO now, is to just beat on people who he thinks are upsetting Tyra. That said, I'm not really sure how I feel about where this relationship is going.


(No title)


C. J. Ramirez

This episode was so good. Loved Eric putting the other coach in his place


Love this ep!