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Okay, so, this was probably the best episode so far. But it's super close to last episode.

Nancy and Jonathan try (and succeed) in catching the monster. However, they only manage to wound it and not kill it.

In the actual upside down, Hopper and Joyce manage to find Will, but he's got some kind of weird eel monster attached to his throat (I'm guess this is something that's incubating in him based on the end of the episode).

Meanwhile Hopper 'gives up Eleven' and a huge fight ensues at the school. The boys manage to get away with El when the monster shows up and attacks the scientists. However, she is only able to kill the monster by sacrificing herself. So in the end, both she and monster die (or at least disappear).

In an epilogue of sorts, we see a happy Byers family having Christmas dinner, but Will coughs up some sort of slug. It doesn't seem like the first time this as happened, as he doesn't look concerned, but tells no one. (This is why I think he's being used as some kind of incubator for the monster- does this mean it will be easier to stay in the right-side up world now)? Also, Hopoper, leaves for for Eleven (which is why I think perhaps the two of them had some kind of a plan for her to fake her death to get her away from the scientist guys).

Super curious about next season!


ST 1X8


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