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I really loved the flash forward cold open in this episode. But you know, all the cold opens are good in this show.

So, Lalo didn't die. Just like we figured he wouldn't. But he hasn't found Nacho yet, so I guess that's good news. But it seems like the entirety of the country is looking for him, and Lalo just destroyed his way out.

Ooh, we finally saw Jimmy make an actual mistake. (I mean he makes a bunch buy they are more that he gets roped into/trapped in things-not of his own accord). He totally called Lalo by his name and not Guzman. That's 100% gonna come back to bite him in the ass.

Jimmy did not seem into this plan to take down Howard and settle with Sandpiper. It really looks like he's doing it for Kim and Kim only. Speaking of this plan, he seems certain that it will work. Kim, not so much. I have no idea. But in the locker room, Cliff seemed to basically laugh it off. However, once Howard drove away, Cliff had a different look on face.

Also, I kind of love Jimmy's craziness when he ran into Kevin.


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