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This wasn't my favorite episode. Again, because there are so many other things I'm interested in and curious about, that I did not need Helena to steal that time. Lol.

But even if Felicity is only tangentially involved, I'm happy about it. Not that I love her getting tied up and forced to do stuff against her will, but I'll take her anyway I can get her!

So Oliver and McKenna are no more. Cool. More opportunity for him to end up with Felicity. Are you guys tired of me harping on that yet? I don't see me stopping.

What is happening with Roy? What's his deal? He's gotta be some kind of superhero. If I've learned anything, Malcolm is involved. He's probably his father, but Roy doesn't know. He totally seems like he could have been fathered in that 2 year absence when Malcolm was missing, right?

I really can't figure out what the inciting incident was that caused Quintin to decide he was ready to listen to his ex wife. Was it McKenna getting shot? The fact that Laurel decided to talk to him again? I really have no idea.

The club is finally open! I think Steve Aoki is a big deal. 🤷‍♀️



"So Oliver and McKenna are no more. Cool. More opportunity for him to end up with Felicity. Are you guys tired of me harping on that yet? I don't see me stopping." Nope, I love that you're harping on it. It makes me laugh. Carry on. You are not alone. I was shipping Oliver and Felicity at this point, despite the not so subtle narrative of him "meant to be" with someone else. I mean, Oliver did adamantly tell Felicity to "get out" when Helena paid them a visit. He didn't want Helena to hurt Felicity. Of course Oliver doesn't want Helena to hurt anyone, but Helena did refer to Felicity as one of Oliver's girlfriends. If the show is going to put that out there. Then so will I.😁


Oh! Whether or not it's true or not, I love that other people are shipping Oliver/Felicity. Olicity? Fliver? What is this ship name? As someone who is such a fanfic reader (I mean granted I won't be doing it for a long time but) I need to know what to look up! How could people not be shipping them? Am I totally missing something? I'm watching so many things right now that I am dying to read fanfic about. I both want and don't the rest of the series to go quickly!