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Ack! We finally get some Felicity in action and she almost gets beheaded!

And Colton is finally here! Is he a bad guy? A superhero? A regular inhabitant of the Glades? A love interest for Thea? I have no idea. There are so many options!

Both Oliver and Diggle are dating this episode. Neither first date goes well, but both seem to agree to give it another shot. (And no, Oliver's date is not with Felicity. Sigh.) But Oliver's date is now tasked with helping Quintin find and take down the vigilante, so that should be fun.

We had a lot of questions of trust in this episode, which brings us back to the island. How can you trust anyone? Is this the point on the island where Oliver started to get hard? When he made the decision to not help someone because he couldn't trust it wasn't a trap? You gotta make the hard choices. And fuck did that seem to be hard.

Also, is Moira actually good? Did this all start out as a plan to help people? How did it get so offline? Also, wasn't that lady dead? So if Malcolm dies, is everybody out of the Undertaking? And what the hell is the Undertaking? I have so many questions?!? (Please don't answer them. Lol.)


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