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This was 100% my favorite episode so far. We got Felicity, island flashbacks, and no villain of the week!

Okay, so, we absolutely need Felicity on this team. If anyone can convince her, it's Oliver, right? Not only do I want her around more often (and to date, love, and marry Oliver), but she's incredibly useful. I hope she changes her minds and decides she wants to stay.

I loved all these island flashbacks! But, as usual, the more we learn, the more questions we get. I'm still not sure what exactly this island is and what's happening here, but we got some more info on Yao and why he's willing to work with Fyers. They are holding his daughter hostage. (Who seems to have a tattoo that matches Oliver's that I don't recall seeing prior to now- and that dude loves to run around without a shirt).

That said, I hated how Oliver was carrying around Laurel's picture. I'm glad I'm not alone in thinking this is some epic love story that I don't believe in. Sigh.

I also hated how Oliver is so unwilling to listen to Diggle about Moira. I get it's his mom and he'd have certain feelings about the situation, but he's completely shutting himself off to the very real possibility that his mom is doing some shady shit.



Amazing episode! "Felicity's my favorite character and she's barely on the show." Same! I loved when she would pop up in the episodes. She definitely seems like the missing piece to Oliver's crusade. Dig brings guidance, wisdom and experience. Felicity offers intelligence (in a different way than Oliver), optimism, softness and sunniness. They both provide different perspectives that can only make Oliver a better person and hero overall.


As for Oliver holding onto Laurel's picture, I see it as a reminder of his guilt. While I do not buy Oliver and Laurel are the epic love story they try to sell me, I do buy that Oliver feels a tremendous amount of guilt for how he behaved in the past, especially with how he treated Laurel. There's nothing like getting stranded on Hell Island with people trying to kill you, watching the sister of the girlfriend you cheated on her with get swept into the sea and promising your father to right his wrongs as he was sacrificing himself for you, to put things into perspective, lol. If he's trying to survive to right his father's wrongs he might as well try to survive to right his. (I did love Slade's response to that.😄) I love the Island. "All my life all I thought about was myself. I took my family for granted, I betrayed people that I loved. I'm not going to be that person anymore." I love seeing how the Island is slowly changing him. I love Felicity! ❤️