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I didn't love this episode. Or maybe I had the same issue with the one about the fire chief. I'm so much more interested in the other things going on, that I don't really care about the villain of the week stuff. Especially this one. He talked such a big game and Hood Guy decimated his 'guards' in like 12 seconds. And then Quintin almost killed him with his bare hands for kidnapping Laurel. Not really a scary big bad.

But I LOVED the Moira stuff. I'm so intrigued with what's going on with her and Malcolm. What exactly is The Undertaking? Why do we need to kill a ton of people? Is she somehow convinced this is actual a good thing and she's on the right side here? It took a bit of time, but it seems like Oliver finally believes (after he got it on tape) Diggle about his mom. I was so upset that this episode ended there!

Also, loving the flashback stuff this episode. We're finally getting into some actual answers (and of course, more questions) for how Oliver managed to come back from the island like this.



The next episode is great. I think you will enjoy it more than this one. 😊


I liked most of this episode. The B plot was meh, but that was only about 20% of it. There was a lot of movement on the Island and the main storyline. The next epi is great! You're right. Oliver is being a hypocrite in regards to his definition of justice vs revenge and what makes what he's doing right as opposed to someone else. I mean he's not giddy about killing like Helena was, but he still has "the end justifies the means" mentality. Killing might not always be his first choice of action, but he doesn't put too much thought in going about it another way. He's basically there to "right his father's wrongs" and to cross names off of a book. It's his father's crusade not his. This is an origin story of him becoming the superhero, the Green Arrow (Arrow). Right now he's just the hood guy. I do think him being a hypocrite is the point. It's the beginning of his journey. He honestly can't think beyond the list, his family or feeling guilty about Laurel. It's obvious Oliver is a great guy with good intentions and great skillls, but what's the plan? The further we get into this the more we see that Oliver really has no clue what's going on or what he came to Starling City to do. The addition of Diggle has slowly opened his eyes. Maybe what he thought he knew he really didn't. If he's wrong about this maybe he's wrong about something else. I love that Diggle continues to question and push Oliver. He's obviously come a long way since before the Island, but he's definitely a work in progress.