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This was probably my least favorite episode so far and I think most of it is down to that kid next door playing a bigger role than a kid has a right to on this show. Lol. I'm so not about 'cute' kids. I'm hoping we don't see a ton of him, but it looks like we might be setting up his mom for a love interest to Tim, so that might be wishful thinking. Sigh.

Buddy also drove me crazy in this episode. He doesn't get to invite himself to stay at the house and then dictate who Eric gets to eat dinner with. Screw up. I have very little sympathy for the man.

Also, I just got hit hard on another show with people going off their meds, and I'm not looking forward to being walloped with that again. Hopefully, Waverly can get back on track soon.

On the plus side, I really enjoyed the Jason and Lyla stuff. And also Tami's scene with Tyra. I'm really warming up to Tyra.


C. J. Ramirez

Yeah the kid is annoying but the mom is hot lol


I'm hoping we end up seeing more of the mom than the kid. Also, I was so focused on being annoyed at the kid that I don't even remember what the mom looked like. Lol.