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So much happened in this episode! And so much of it was incredible!

I mean, Nathan punched Chris in the face. Thrice. Need I say more? No, but I will.

We finally came back to the Batman costume, and I loved the way it played out.

Brooke having this clothing line is awesome, but I think the designs leave something to be desired.

Who tried to kill Dan? I want to send them a gift.

NALEY IS COMING BACK?!?!? Yes, yay, Luke and Brooke, but NALEY!


Marie T-L

I find it sad that Peyton always had the darkest story lines. I very much like her character it's just interesting they never gave her happy stories, like ever.


Love your thumbnail.... but really was there any other choice? hehe I think not. I knew you were going to love this episode and you getting all emotional at the end was so heartwarming, made me emotional all over again as well. Naley for the win and I'm glad you got to enjoy Brucas as well :) And I know you don't like Chris Keller because well,,,,let's face it, he is kinda douchey, but I love how this story arc played out between Naley and Chris. It basically undoes what happened last season with Haley leaving for the tour and Nathan feeling like she was leaving and abandoning him for Chris, and so this was such an important and pivotal arc to really cement things moving forward and set the record straight in case there was any doubt about Naley's love for one another. Plus can I just say how much I love an adore any and all Nathan and Chris scenes, lol. James and Tyler play off of each other so damn well, and they do comedy together so effortlessly, that'd I pay to watch an entire episode that just featured them, lol. It's such good stuff!!! The riverboat stuff is classic!!! And the pieces are certainly coming together in the Dan dealership fire mystery....so just stay tuned!!!! Your right...Dan is the best character to hate because he's so pivotal to the show. I will continue to say that it never ceases to amaze me how many stories run through him. The parallels are amazing among the characters, and you'll continue to see why as time goes on.

Elsa Reinsch

I love this episode so much and I think it's mostly cause of that last scene with Nathan and Haley lol. The way that Haley smiles when she sees that Nathan has been wearing his ring on a chain around his neck and grabs the ring and pulls him down.... it kills me I just can't take it... it's too perfect!! And the ring grab part was improvised by Joy which makes it even better❤😍😁💖💗


Her noticing the ring and pulling him down with it is my favorite part. 😍


For the thumbnail, I thought it might be Chris leaving lol. But love wins. 😄


I really enjoyed your reactions to this episode! It makes me excited for things to come because I think the show just gets better. I foresee longer recaps in the future. 😄 Honestly, the Nathan and Haley pain of season 2 was worth it because we're getting such great moments with them. 🤗


One thing I liked about Chris and the Batman costume kiss is that Haley asked/told Nathan about it as soon as she found out. She was doing a lot of non-disclosing/lying to Nathan in season 2. It's nice to see she learned her lesson and is doing better. But also, Nathan lying about it was super sweet. Ofc he said it was him.


A thumbnail of Chris leaving would have been perfect too, lol. I wonder if Dana considered it at all? lol Gotta go with true love though...always and forever!!!! And yes...so appreciate Haley immediately asking Nathan about the kiss right away and making sure their honest with each other from here on out. And Nathan's response was true love indeed. Also love that once Chris revealed to Nathan that he was the one who kissed Haley at the masquerade party and Nathan punched him, that it wasn't an issue at all between Naley!!!


Oh yes.... the famous ring pull by Joy!!! Hands down, the best part. Who can forget all the fabulous unscripted moments by the JL's. That iconic thread back in the day was golden for sure. I think it had it's own following, hehe. And that scene alone might have been the one that kick-started it all :)


Amen...and thank God they are just written differently than everybody else, and we really get the payoff. So far, the pain of the second half of S2 is all worth it with getting to watch them come back together again in S3!!!

Elsa Reinsch

Ikr? Both James and Joy are so good at adding those little unscripted physical intimacies. Like most of the times that James kisses the top of her head or her forehead are unscripted. These two just slay me! 😁


Agreed. I mean, she was my favorite character when I started watching. But she's just a big ball of sadness all the time. It doesn't mean I like her any less, but I'm really appreciating Brooke's optimistic, bubbliness as time goes on.


Like Heather said, it was a toss up between this and Nathan punching Chris. Lol. This won because I couldn't get a clear shot for a thumbnail. Sad. Right?!? It's weird to me that none of the people in this show became HUGE stars. The main cast seems so good at both comedy and drama. I do not understand. But I feel the same could be said about Buffy. Maybe they just didn't care about teen TV at this time? I HATE HIM. But that said, when he's not in an episode. And I notice it immediately. That guy has a presence that can't be denied.


Oh, I love that it was improvised! That makes it so much better. Especially since it seems so organic. Just what a normal couple would do.