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Mega Link

"I'm not used to lying. And I'm not used to killing for no reason." — Salma, succubus, The Witcher 3.

Salma was behind the murder of city guards in Novigrad. This was quite surprising, since succubi rarely kill anyone intentionally, with cold calculation. However, this does not mean that they are safe: sometimes they kill by accident, forgetting themselves "in ecstasy". In addition, they kill to protect themselves: although they appear to be gentle virgins, in reality their limbs are incredibly strong.

The motive of the crime was most likely excessive cruelty to her during their "group act", which is why Salma had to first fight off with her claws, and then dry them with her ecstasy magic.

The player is given a choice to spare the succubus or kill her, considering her a danger to society.




This is beautiful! Great work 😍


Love to see that you give a smaller character like her, her own art ❤️ The night or dusk scenery seems really fitting to her, with the magical effects and the sparks. And she probably has the most interesting eyes 🤩


Thank you Talon!! 🤗❤🥰 I'm glad you liked it!🤗 It's so cute🥺