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This sweet heart from Ciri is dedicated to my little anniversary, 10,000 readers on Twitter.🥰

Fact: Remember the meme about Daenerys Targaryen's name being too long from Game of Thrones? Well you haven't seen Ciri's full name yet:

Ciri's full name is Cirilla Fiona Helen Rhiannon. By right of birth, she is the future Queen of Cintra, Duchess of Brugge and Sodden, heiress of Ard Skellig and An Skellig, suzerain of Attre and Abb Yarra, also known as Lion Cub of Cintra, Falka and Zireael. A child of the Elder blood, Law of Surprise. The girl is the source, the Mistress of Time and Space. In the end — the witcher.

And that's not all, but it's the main name.




Huge congrats to this big Milestone Astex ❤️. It’s really well deserved 😊. That’s a pretty cute Ciri 🤍, love her sweet smile and the wholesome atmosphere with the butterflies 🦋 Is the dress worn in this way also inspired by GoT? 😉


Thank you very much!🤗❤💕 Hah right, the dress somewhat resembles the costume of the adviser Daenerys👀, but no, this is a succubus dress🙃


Wow this is beautiful, love the butterflies too! Congrats my choom 💪❤❤


Congrats on the 10K mate!


thtas nice and congratulations on the 10k. Keep up the good work and im sure there will add up many more :)