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Hey all. I have a few things that I need to be transparent with you guys. As you know, I never have brought to attention the details of my personal life, especially when they've shaken up my life to the point where work is hard to maintain a normal pace. However, I think it is time for me to be honest with you guys. It has been an absolute nightmare for me in my living situation -- I currently live at home and I've been abused and manipulated by the people I live with emotionally. I've put up with this for almost 10 years at this point, and I think it's time for me to sever ties and move on. It has taken a huge toll on my physical and mental health, and at this point, I'm worried that it has really affected my future. As much as I would like and require therapy and medical care, I cannot even afford it at this point, so the best decision for me would be to find my own place.

This means: in the current situation of me moving out, it might be a little difficult for me to deliver things on time INCLUDING the current backlog I have, however I am determined to eventually catch up. I am beyond apologetic for the slow pace and lag that has compounded over time, but I think being completely independent in my current situation will do only good at the moment and even help me catch up finally. I trust that you all might understand me, and I apologize again for not letting you know sooner. It has been really tough for me to decide on whether or not to share this since I don't really consider it very professional to release this kind of explanation for my pace, but I find that there is no choice for me at the moment. I thank you all again for your support as you really are my life line in this dark time. 



Thank you for sharing! Your physical and emotional well being are most important! Be safe and take all the time you need 💛


It's sad to hear you've been a victim of abuse for so long, I wish you luck with finding a good place to reside in away from the trauma.


Take all the time you need man! You've been doing amazing content and you should take all the time you need to get your situation improved. I hope things get better for you!


No need to apologize. Your life and safety comes first. Make sure you are safe and happy.


Personal health FIRST, patreon second if not lower!


do whats best for YOU as long as there are good reasons for it there is no need to worry about us


Hey. We all have life issues. Were human. Instead of leaving us with vague excuses I personally prefer an honest truth. Something like this that's been effecting your work and output of products it's good to know these things. Your personal health comes first. I will continue being patient myself and look forward to the next rewards. Hang in there buddy. We got your back. And anyone who doesnt will have to go through us


Take all the time you need to work things out! You have my support regardless! ❤


Take your time! Personal health and well being comes first!


Put yourself first always!


You gotta take care of yourself first and foremost! I'm so sorry you had to deal with so much for so long and hope you are able to get away from that situation soon so you can take time to heal.


Honesty is the best policy man, don’t worry bout putting things on hold if it’s to better your actual life take what time you need and come back stronger and more motivated ^w^


that's not an easy thing to share so nobody can blame you for not wanting to talk about it earlier - please take all the time you need!! you deserve better! <3


That's awful to hear. I hope you do get out of it soon. Take the time you need to do what you need to do.

The Guy

Thanks for being honest. That takes a lot of guts. Its dark now, but things will get better if YOU put in the work. Thats what its all about. Putting in the work to get to somewhere better. Whether that be a job, better relationships, self care, maybe all the above. Point is theres no one all fits all plan. Just you understanding whats best for you and taking action to put your best foot forward. If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. Thus my subscription will stand with you. I hope others will do the same. Les go!!


Please, take your time. That is a horrible thing to go through, and you will need time to get out and recover. <3 Thank you for letting us know, and just know that you are incredibly strong and brave for getting out of it.


I think we all understand so well the kind of situation you're in, so I'm glad that you took the decision and live on your own! If anything, I'm happy if my small support in Patreon can help you to be able to afford that decision!