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It's looking like I won't have a full release of this Zombie Apocalypse map completed by the end of Summer, like I had said. I've assembled a team to help work on the map with me, but progress is slower than I had hoped. Also, some changes are happening in my life and I won't be as available to work on the map very much in the coming months. I had really hoped (and believed) that the map would be completed soon, but that just isn't possible. I am sorry for breaking this promise, but my team and I will still try to work on the map when we can. It's looking really good! (just taking a long time to make) I will post the current version of the map to patreon in a few days, so you all can at least get something from what I had promised.



will the new version of the map be available for a newer version of minecraft? Or will it still be for 1.16.5?


It’s okay I hope things are going to be okay for you and I hope you have a good year


I plan on releasing the map for a newer version of Minecraft eventually. First, 1.16.5 though.