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Hello everyone, just wanted to inform you that the map is finished and ready to be released. I'm still taking care of some logistical things, making a trailer, and an informational video, so I won't release the map just yet. However, it will be posted sometime in April. I highly suggest you join my discord server if you want to hear more about it. https://discord.gg/G9DesZkAvD

ALSO, for those of you who expected this map to be done sooner, or had different expectations, I want you to know that I have a life and this map is a side project. I'm currently in college, work a part time job, and also try to update the Cursed Walking modpack and make Youtube videos semi-regularly. I don't have the time to work on this very often. The same can be said about the team that helps me; they have lives too. So please don't start spewing hate in the comments (some of you already have), I really don't have the patience for it. Okay, rant over.



Hey, shouldn't Patreon be for getting the map in advance? So why don't you post an update here before posting the finished map?. I'm not trying to criticize, honest question


The final version will be patron exclusive, so you will still have the advantage of being the only one to get it once it releases. I was hoping to have a trailer done for the map at the same time I posted it, but due to some issues, I think I'll just post the map now.