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Hello, everyone. I have a quick question for all of you.

As you may have noticed, I am all caught up on my multi-chapter readings. Human Nature, Sunken Horizons, Finding Friendship, and Their Very Own Suns. And, as per my previously given word, I am trying to branch out and am auditioning for actual audiobooks more and more often, such as the recently released Gurzil.

That does not mean I am done working on things for this channel, of course. Whenever a new chapter in the big readings gets posted, I'll do it with vim and vigor. But in between those, I am having to fill my time with one-shots, and I have also done a handful of comic dubs - most prominently being the one about the dragons and the baguettes.

I ask all of this because, as a result of the decreased volume of work, my paychecks have been noticeably smaller than before for the last couple of months, which is making a handful of operations fairly difficult for me. So I am looking for other ways to increase my income on the side. But, since this Patreon page is on a per-release basis and not just a flat monthly rate, I want to know from all of you.

Would you all be alright with me charging for comic dubs akin to the one I listed above? They are shorter than my audiobook-style fanfiction readings, to be sure, and so I am not entirely comfortable charging for them without patron approval. I rely upon your goodwill and generosity to keep myself going, and I am not going to squander that.

This post comes with a poll. Please answer it honestly, and if you have any other thoughts on it, by all means, leave a comment.


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