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Hello, everyone!

Well, I had hoped that this wouldn't happen, but here we are. After several months of hard work, and thirty chapters spread across sixty one videos, I am now fully caught up on Sunken Horizons, meaning that, until such time as the author writes more, I can record no more in it. With any luck the wait will not be too long, but at the same time, it must be remembered that the odds are high that Noc, the composer of the Horizons series original music, may just be producing a live score to the final recording of the final chapter, as he did back with Empty Horizons back in April of 2020.

...It's been that long? Damn, I feel old.

At any rate, with me being all caught up on Sunken Horizons, I need to settle on how exactly I am to proceed from here. The obvious thing is that I will be focusing on Finding Friendship until I am all caught up with that as well. With any luck that won't happen, but given the head-start I gave both of these authors and their writing speed compared to my upload schedule... I am not particularly confident in that outcome.

Nevertheless, that is a bridge to be crossed when we reach it. For the time being, just know that there won't be any further chapter from Sunken Horizons until such time as Goldenwing puts out the finale. And yes, don't worry, I'll also be doing the final story in the trilogy when Gold writes it, but that will probably be more of a side project more than anything, as once I wrap up these specific readings, I have every intention of doubling, tripling, and quadrupling down on professional, paying voice-over work. I've already been slinging auditions this way and that for the last several weeks.

But that is all a little further down the line from where we are now, and the finer details will be dependant on a lot of other factors, so let's not get too absorbed in all of that just now, shall we?

I don't have anything else for this update, so this is where we part ways for the moment. Stay safe out there, people, and keep listening!

-Brian McKee (Tone Shift)



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