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With the conclusion of Halloween and the beginning of November, it is time for me to come back into the fold and resume my usual work schedule. It had been my plan to record a chapter of Finding Friendship today to serve as the announcement of my return to the fold... but then insomnia had other ideas, and so comes in the not-so-glorious part of things.

I am hekking exhausted.

So no recording today, alas. But tomorrow! Tomorrow, I will record something! 

I hope!

Upon which note, I feel compelled to let everyone know that I am now in posession of a new  microphone stand and recording booth, which will start seeing use when I begin recording. This will hopefully provide better sound treatment and allow me to record while standing up to pull on the FULL POWER OF MY DIAPHRAM.

Cause that's pretty important, apparently.

Anyway, that'll do it for this post. Look forward to whatever crazy shenanigans I got coming up!

-Tone Shift


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