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Wow. Just... just wow. This is kind of a surreal feeling, to be entirely honest. I began the Bug in The Basement back in July of 2018. That was when I sat down to begin writing it. A couple months shy of two years later, and the audio book reading of it, at long last, comes to a close. Took me well over a year to do this reading, you guys.

I won't lie, this really feels like the end of an era to me. Bug in The Basement is among one of my most cherished stories. I fell absolutely in love with the characters when I was writing them, and giving them a voice allowed me to do it for a second time. It's kind of sad for me to finally part ways with these characters for good. They've been, in some way, connected to me and my routine for almost two years. And just like that, in one day, in one fell swoop... it's done. The story is done. Totally.

It's a monumental milestone for me, and I want to take some time to just relax in the aftermath of this project. I will pick out a new exclusive reading in the coming weeks, of that you may rest assured, but right now?

Right now, I just want to sit back, look back, and remember one hell of an emotional roller coaster. I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did, and I doubly hope the YouTube audience will enjoy it as well, when I start posting these to YouTube. I'll get them all scheduled tomorrow.

I don't really have much else to say right now. I just hope Beebee touched all of your hearts in the same way he touched mine. Bringing him to you all was a joy, a pleasure, and an honor.

Until next time.

-Tone Shift



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