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I have a question for all of you: How would you all, my audience, feel if I were to start accepting one-shot reading commissions? The general idea would be that, as the previous sentence implies, a limited number of times a month, people could commission me to record one-shot fanfics at a flat rate.

I am still hammering out the details, but this is what I currently have in my head:

  • The rate I am currently thinking of would be $2 for every 100 words. So a 10,000-word story would cost around $200 for the commissioner. Although granted, this MIGHT be open to haggling, depending on the story and conduct of the commissioner.
  • I would reserve the right to refuse any commissions for any reason.
  • I would not accept commissions for anything pornographic in nature or M-rated. Period.
  • The one-shots would have to be of 10,000 words or less.
  • I would only accept up to three of these commissions a month at a maximum, so as to avoid overworking myself.

I am curious to know what all of you think. I don't wanna start a thing like this if nobody is going to like it or want to make use of it. At the same time, though, I feel like doing something like this can help me work on the more professional side of being a Voice Actor, which in turn will help me find more work in the future whenever the day comes that I move on from Fanfiction readings.  

Vote and make your thoughts known. 


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