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TL;DR - Thursday and Friday will be devoted to seeking contract work until November at the earliest, meaning no fanfic readings on those days. All other readings remain unaffected. Some thank yous and stuff.

Hello, everyone.

As you are all doubtless already aware, my reading of Change: Queen of The Hive has officially been completed. As of about half an hour before this post went live, the bonus chapter of the story went up on YouTube, marking the end of my time doing readings of Change. I will not be doing a reading of Avia or The New Kingdom, as I am quite burned out on this series and am eager to move on to something else.

But if I'm not reading the rest of the series, that just begs the question... what am I going to do now to fill in the slot Change used to be in? Thursdays and Fridays have been filled by that story for a long time, now, and my reading of that series has been a staple of my Patreon Page AND My YouTube channel since 2017, when my reading first began.

Well, first, let's be clear on just how much stuff these stories contain. It took me from 2017 to NOW to read both, the original Change and it's first sequel. Over 120 chapters, easily, and several hundred thousand words, not to mention many, MANY hours of audio. This was an enormous undertaking, there can not be even a shred of doubt about that, especially for someone doing it as just a hobby.

Now, let's address something else: I still live with my parents. Twenty Two years old and I still live with my folks. As financially feasible as it may be, many people will view such a state of affairs as being less than ideal. I do want to move out sooner or later, but it is a daunting prospect for someone like me, a man with an intense sense of independence and a severe disdain towards anyone with more authority than me. I hate taking orders, and I adamantly refuse to work a job that I do not like.

This leaves me in a bind, though, as I am more or less having to fend for myself with what few of my own devices I have. I make about $200 a month off of this Patreon page, and that number fluctuates wildly from month to month as patrons come and go and financial situations change. At the end of the day, as much as I would love for the money I make from here to be my living, I am only all too aware that such an event is far beyond my reach.

So, that said, I need to aim for a more effective means of earning my paychecks. And the best way I can think to do that with the free time I now have is to hunt for paying contract work in the field of Voice Acting. I am going to start auditioning for non-pony related content on Thursdays and Fridays, and devoting that time to recording any such projects I manage to land. 

However, I know that you are all used to two readings at a time from me, not counting the exclusive readings that only Patrons may listen to, so I have some good news on that front. I have a trip coming up in October that will see me going to the other end of the continent to visit my brother and attend his wedding. When I return from that at the start of November, I will start looking for a new Fanfiction project to work on to fill in the Thursday and Friday slot.

Until then, all of my other readings will remain wholly unaffected. Monday and Tuesday will still be devoted to a reading, Saturday will be the exclusive reading day, and Wednesdays will also see the exclusive reading every so often, as well as any One-Shots I decide to do. You can rest easy about those.

Lastly, I want to offer a giant and hearty THANK YOU to everyone who stuck with me from the day I started Change to now. It has been an incredibly long and wild journey, and to finally see it to completion would never have been possible without the encouragement and support of the people who loved listening to it. I can't begin to tell you how many times I wanted to pack it up and stop because of just how DAUNTING it was, and I had to take a break at one point because it was just so much to do. So from the bottom of my lungs and heart both, thank you for sticking with it and being patient with me.

I hope you're all looking forward to the future as I am.

Keep listening, People.

-Tone Shift


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