IMPORTANT - Reading after Library For Two (Patreon)
Hey, listeners!
Well, everyone. Today is the day that I finish my reading of Library for Two. Along with that, I think I have finally come to a decision on how I want to move forward. For Mondays and Tuesdays, I will have a story lined up. Specifically, it will be a Sparkle in The Darkness by our local moderator and frequent Jibber Jabber attendee, Tom117z, who also wrote Soaring on Little Wings and the Change series.
However, while I will be recording that story, I will also be looking for paying audio book projects as well. If I can land a paying audio book contract or two, then those will have to take priority. This essentially means that Sparkle in the Darkness will be put on temporary hold until those audio book projects are completed.
This balances out, as it means I can keep a steady flow of uploads going to YouTube for a while, but it also means that, so long as I can land a professional project, I won't have to worry about catching up with Sparkle, as it is still a work in progress and, if what I have been told rings true, is a little over halfway done. It gets one new chapter a week, and I record two in a week if all goes well.
Here's to hoping this goes well!
-Tone Shift