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TL;DR: New $100 per content release goal added. Do you like it or not?

Hello, people! As some of you may or may not have noticed, last night I replaced the goal I had for $100 per post. The original goal stated that I would use the money to replace my laptop with a new, functional computer, and I do still plan to do that. But in retrospect, you, my patrons, wouldn't really get much out of that outside of the same steady stream of readings and, of course, the confirmation that my hardware won't be dying.

So I went ahead and changed it. it occurs to me that a lot of people like to see 'behind the scenes' footage, or like to see how these things are made. My process is pretty simple, all things considered, but I know some people would probably find it interesting.

The point of this post is to make sure everyone knows about this change, and also to ask for your input. I'll also be running this question by the people on my Discord server to see what they think. In short: Do you think that this is a good goal, should I modify it, or axe it altogether?


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