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Hello, ladies and gentlemen! As some of you may remember, I started an experiment a couple of weeks ago. There is a link to the experiment and it's description at the top of this post. It's been a while and it is time to go over the results of my experiment.

First and foremost, I don't think the quality of my narration saw any very noticeable changes for better or worse, even with waiting until later on in the day to perform. But I am also a horrible analyst, so I'll not hinge too heavily on my own perceptions there. Now, with that said, there IS something that I felt was a significant increase; my enjoyment factor.

Waiting until later in the day gave me a chance to wake up, relax, and properly get myself ready before stepping forward to record. As I do these readings because I enjoy them immensely, the benefit of this particular point can NOT be understated, here. I felt that waiting until later also gave me a chance to fully wake up, as well, which is a nice bonus. Not sure if it really had any impact on the quality of the recording, but it definitely let me have higher enthusiasm.

But that's just what I noticed. What about you guys? I am putting up a poll and would love it if you would all be so kind as to submit responses to it.


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