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A LOT of stuff was going on today. Had to run with my family to buy food and other whatnot as well as help out with  a few matters related to our upcoming move. In short, I was not able to record the new chapter due to too much other stuff happening.

I WILL get it recorded tomorrow, though. It will be recorded and uploaded alongside Chapter 14, and both will follow their normal upload shcedules. 

I apologize profusely for this delay. I've missed a lot of marks lately and life getting crazy is NO excuse considering this is my job. I am planning on earning my living from this.

But I also don't want to over-work myself. I may have to give myself a week-long break after next week, just so I canr echarge my batteries and make sure I don't burn myself out. Last time I overworked myself and got burnt out was with Forgiveness Pending and, well, I wound up blinking off of YouTube for a good two years.

If this is my living, I want to make sure I can enjoy it. So I might take a few extra days off next week. We'll see.



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