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I was going to make a post about how I made my Witch Mercy, but kinda realized I didn't really use many new techniques to talk about! Like, my sewing was very similar to my Dark Brotherhood costume (which I described in detail in a past post. Today I hope to go through and give everything tags so new Patrons can find everything!)

BUT something that I've been doing a lot more of is making molds for things! Even if I only am making a few of something, I make molds of it! For Witch Mercy, she had 30 or so of the wings clasps down her leggings and corset, so it saved a lot of time to make a mold obviously! As well as two earrings and 4 wing things on the top of the leggings (I dunno what those are)

My biggest concern with mold-making is the cost! In the past I've used Smooth-on Mold Star silicon for my molds, and found that unless I was making VERY large quantities of something and was planning on keeping it for future projects, it was quite pricey.

That being said, it's really easy to use: https://www.amazon.com/SmoothOn-Moldstar-Slow-Molding-silicone/dp/B00ATDV5BQ/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1480528017&sr=8-2&keywords=smooth+on+star

For Witch Mercy, though, I was concerned about cost, and so I decided to try something new: At Hobby Lobby, I got Amazing Remelt (where I used a coupon, normally $35), which you can also get on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Amazing-Casting-Products-Extruders-1-25-Pound/dp/B00LZXVMMG

And it worked out so well! Works like normal molds: Glue your master to the bottom of your container, spray mold release, heat up your remelt, pour it in, then let it cool and it hardens! Then you can reheat the mold when you're done and make another mold with it! I just reheated my Mercy molds and there's a few specs of resin now in the mix, but it hopefully won't be a problem!

For resin, I use Smooth On Liquid Plastic:https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004BN7G0E/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1

It dries super fast, so if the concern is time (like it always is for me), this stuff dries within ten minutes or so!

I did make a mistake when casting my molds though with the remelt! My first mold turned out smooth and perfect. Then I put in a spray of mold release and poured more resin right away, and the mold release boiled the mold, so the rest of the molds ended up with weird bubbles. BUT nothing a little wood glue couldn't fix.

Anyway, just something I hope you guys experiment with! I know it's not a new thing for most people who craft, but as someone who's new to all of this, thought I'd share my experience!



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