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I can't BELIEVE how much of a difference a few months can make in learning and creating armor. I just took my Sylvanas out of storage and it looks like poop in comparison to the Viking Elsa I just made -- mostly in the finishing and small details, and I created these costumes in the same amount of time! I think the best experience was making Tracer, since she has such clean even lines in her futuristic armor, there just isn't room for bumps and mistakes!I'm really REALLY hyped for Legion, so I'm cleaning up Sylvanas and giving it a small upgrade for San Francisco Comic Con! I think this is one of those costumes that will just slowly get better and better as I learn new things! I'm mostly aiming to make it more comfortable and redo the parts I rushed while pulling an all-nighter before the con :DPhoto by InfinitySpiral Photography, whom I really need to work with again!



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