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Sooooooo I started a new cosplay today! (technically yesterday since I did quite a few hours of shopping and got fabric and supplies)

This was my first time working with black worbla to this extent! It's crazy awesome at creating details and I feel like I'm slightly cheating because of the easiness, but so far I'm liking the effect! I'm out of worbla though so the rest of the armor will have to be EVA foam!

BTW, I already said what this is on Snapchat but I actually wanna try keeping it a little bit of a secret if I can! I dunno, I may have already blown it entirely because I'm horrible at secrets and surprises :D

All patreon prints are shipped out and are now up-to-date and I'm still working on store orders! Maybe next weekend we can do the Google hangout, and I need to send out high res images asap for June rewards!



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