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So in case you didn't see the announcement on my social media, I'll be at MCM London next weekend!!

This has been a very VERY sudden change of plans, with me discussing this possibility with the MCM Team only starting a week ago XD They asked if I was still available, and me being me I was like 'uhhhhh SURE LET'S DO THIS!!' So it actually worked out that I needed to come home from Canada and fix my phone, because it's given me a few extra days to create new costumes for the trip!!

At MCM London itself, I'll be wearing a new superhero costume (not pictured here), a feminine Prompto (I don't feel like binding so lol I will have boobs) and Saber! But for my adventures throughout the UK, as I travel the country in the month of November, I've had to get creative with costumes that would be warm enough and comfortable enough!

Saber in a suit -- this one will be great for a casual day. I most likely will wear this in Edinburgh or Dublin. It's basically normal clothes. Although a little innaccurate because I will be using my bun-Saber wig instead of styling a ponytail one. FOR SHAME.

Saber in her dress -- I hope to wear this and do a shoot out in the Arthurian country.

Tracer-- I can't WAIT to do a shoot as Tracer in London XD

Queenie -- Another great casual cosplay, probably for London or the Harry Potter Studio tour

Merida -- I'm only bringing the wig for Merida, because I hope to put an outfit together for her while in Scotland. I dream of getting a dress in Scotland and shooting out in the Highlands as her.

I do have ideas for other outfits that are UK-themed, but I will more than likely buy or make pieces as I go along! As a huge fan of Sherlock Holmes and Peter Pan, I hope to pay homage to both before the trip is over :)

I have no clue how long I'll be gone. I'm hoping it'll be a while :) I've got three more days to finish everything (as well as get work-related stuff done woo), so wish me godspeed! XD



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