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As I con crunch for Anime Expo, getting Saber and both versions of Takamaki done, as well as ship out prints and get caught up on LIFE, here's a boudoir photo by Alive Alf that we took back in April!

I got this handmade lingerie and planned on using it for possibly a Widowmaker boudoir shoot, but after much deliberation, decided that I, Lisa, deserved to be seen in such elegance.

When I first cut my hair, I actually had a lot of doubt. The last few times I've had short hair, I've had a 'petite' runners body with no obvious muscle. Nowadays, though, after about two years of consistent lifting, short hair + muscles made me feel the opposite of sexy because it just wasn't what I was used to. I'm used to looking VERY outwardly feminine, even with short hair. That's actually why I like having short hair, is because with longer hair I kind of get typecast as a girly, bubbly, blonde bimbo due to my body type and personality. At least with short hair, it makes people do a double take on their first impression of me, you know?

ANYWAY. This was my much-needed attempt to combine my femininity with my masculinity and figure out who I am as a person, outwardly. I know who I am on the inside for the most part, but as I grow and change and age, my outward appearance starts to reflect that.



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