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Well hello!! Long time no update! Let me start by saying thank you, guys, for your patience and support. You guys deserve more from me, and I want to apologize. I feel like I'm constantly letting you guys down. I wish I could do more. I wish there was three of me. I'm going to work super hard to get all up-to-date and give you guys lots of updates (I've got some exciting projects this month!), and July is going to be a busy and amazing month!

What's happened in the last few weeks? I just got home from a two-week long trip that started in Jacksonville, Florida, then to Orlando, then to Minnesota for 6 days, and then back to Orlando for a day. I was supposed to be at Colossalcon for part of that trip, but ended up getting sick the day I was supposed to leave, and opted to instead spend more time with my family.! Boring, yeah, but it was worth it.

I've been doing a lot of soul-searching in this time. I feel like, despite this trip NOT being revolved around cosplay in any way, it's helped me decide my future in many ways. I think this weekend would be a good time for a Livestream hangout for sure =3 Sunday! Let's make it happen!

Other than that, I have A LOT of prints to sign and ship out this week!! <3 Which I enjoy doing so much!


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