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Mephisto is an extremely strong team fight Mage, in my opinion Tier S+ potential in team fights but lacking in other areas such as wave clear and camp clear. This hero plays heavily around cooldown reduction, and once you master the playstyle and achieve 0 cooldowns it will absolutely be a 1v5 type of hero in late game team fights and possibly even in earlier ones.

All you need to know about every build and talent for Mephisto! Lots of Mephisto specific tips and tricks and playstyle explanations as well! There will also be a Mephisto Grandmaster VOD Analysis(in a separate post) to add even more coverage to the hero!



That shield is ridiculously broken, jesus. Just a small question. When choosing between Trickery or Frost Storm what are you looking for in your comp or the enemy's comp to decide? I often find that using the slow helps me get better Ws but when do you choose Trickery? Is it if the enemy has a lot of low mobolity heroes? A lot of melees? If you think you need movement speed after the blink to side skill shots? Thank you for the guide, love every single one! :)


Great guide cant wait for murky

mario nakowitz

As better you get with hitting your cdr‘s, then trickery>>>>frost. Overall allows trickery a far more aggressive playstyle imo


I find it to be personal preference both can be good in similar situations, the only real difference is the trickery CDR on E if you manage to hit enough heroes, try both out and pick the one you like more!


Humm okok. So you would take Trickery to more off momentum, like a Liming but without the necessity of killing. I've been trying both and Frost Storm really helps to make more combos but I do agree that agains more clumped up enemies trigger the resets more. But beeing preference makes a lot of sense. Thanks for the reply :)


Fan answered this in the video generally speaking, use Trickery when you are going W build and think you can get the reset so you can immediately combo again. Use Frost when you are going Q build. Use armor as a crutch for more survivability if you are worried about dying a lot.


Yeah. I was just wondering if there were any particular scenarios that would make it like, you see X you pick A, you see Y you pick B. But it does make sense to be personal preference as well. Thanks! <3

Adam Hazlewood

The aa splash damage talent enables mephisto to solo camps if you need to make up for your team lacking camp/wave clear. I think lvl 13.