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A very safe and solid pick in the solo lane and a great pick if you need % damage! Laning matchups can get tricky sometimes so all the tips you need to know are in the video about laning.

All you need to know about every build and talent for Leoric! Lots of Leoric specific tips and tricks and playstyle explanations as well! There will also be a Leoric Grandmaster VOD Analysis(in a separate post) to add even more coverage to the hero.



I have a question: Is it correct to take Ominous Walk at 13 (E) if the enemy has really powerful ganking? Something like very mobile and diving heroes, Valeeras, Novas, Zeratul, Genji of sorts? Just for the fact you can E and pop out in side your gate where the gankers can't kill you? You think this is inefficient and simply picking W or AA is just better and more effiecient? Love the guide as always, thank you Fan! :)


That is a possible use case of the 13E yes, but I think even normal leoric E should be good enough most of the time to get you out of trouble, only do that if you are really struggling and can't get out with normal E consistently. It weakens your teamfight a lot without the other lvl 13 talents so I wouldnt do it often. One example where it could make sense is if your team is already smashing the 4 man, and the zera/genji is just picking on you nonstop and you are stuck in a 2v1 constantly. In that case its fine since as long as you don't feed your team will probably win anyways.


Yeah makes sense. So only take it as a niche pick to save myself if I am being really focused by gankers. Thank you so much! :)


These are good points about Kneel peasants, but it does have a niche uses. For example, it's pretty much mandatory on Infernal Shrines, because cdr works on obj minions. It also does help with clearing spiders on Tomb.


Interesting, I didn't know auto build was the preferred build. I remember spooky build was the best. I usually go spooky for vs mage/magic heavy dmg comps. Appreciate the updated info, will practice AA/W builds


AA 13 talent used to be a 20 talent, so when they moved it to 13 the build got a lot stronger.