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Kharazim is an offensive healer! People often mistake him for being weak since he doesn't heal as much as the other healers with his most meta build. However he is still very strong in the right situations, if you understand how to play him and the mindset you should have.

All you need to know about every build and talent for Kharazim! Lots of Kharazim specific tips and tricks and playstyle explanations as well! There will also be a Kharazim Grandmaster VOD Analysis(in a separate post) to add even more coverage to the hero



One curiosity question: Did you guys back in HGC had a similar approach to these "outlier" healers like Tyrande for example? Like, she can't do as much healing as other healers but the powerful tools she brings like the stun, the damage amplification and the vision from owl compensate for the healing numbers. Do you think it is mostly the reason that these healers are "different" from what they offer from a support point of view that makes them harder to play on Storm League? Thank you for the amazing guide as always!


Quicksilver also gives 30% ms to your ally, have you considered synergy of this talent with cleansing touch to make immobile hero very fast and unstoppable (Garrosh let's say)?


If you are on voice comms it can be decent but in solo q this would usually end up in just wasting a q charge. Also would be better to just do that kind of cheese with zarya 50% ms shield if you really want to.

Zhargida Beoulve

Hey Fan, great guide; I always look at your khara games and try to figure out how you get your stutterstep so fluid on him; even between e attacks. Is there a special trick besides a ton of practice, or do you just a/move, a/move, etc.? Do you bind right click to force move or is it smart command? Thanks!


Mostly just a bit of practice, take a look at my stutterstep video on here if you haven't(just search for stutterstep to find it), I demonstrate stutterstepping on fast atkspeed heroes on that video as well. It is mainly just a lot of practice, I just click move and a click very quickly in those cases. Think about it like riding a bike, before you know how to ride it, peddling extremely quickly seems impossible, but once you practice more and get used to riding the bike, peddling quicker and quicker is not too hard, its just repeating the same motion but faster.

Adam Hazlewood

Thanks Fan. I always take radiant dash on 13 as i feel like after lvl 13 no one dies. Unstoppable and move speed, they’re out babeee! But i will definitely consider trying the other two talents out now.